Asian Eyelid Surgery in Dallas, TX
What Is Asian Eyelid Surgery?
Asian eyelid surgery, sometimes known as double eyelid surgery, is a surgical procedure for both women and men that can create a crease in the upper eyelid, reduce puffy bulges of skin below the eyes, and/or create a rounder, brighter look for the eyes. In some cases, Asian eyelid surgery can improve a patient’s field of vision. At Sage Plastic Surgery, our skilled and experienced plastic surgeons are proud to perform this surgery for individuals of Asian descent. To take the first step toward a rejuvenated appearance, contact our Dallas, TX facility today.
How Is Asian Eyelid Surgery Performed?
Asian eyelid surgery, while typically associated with the upper eyelid crease, can also be performed on the lower eyelid.
Upper Eyelid Surgery
Asian upper eyelid surgery (also called double eyelid surgery) can be performed with or without incisions, but the incisional approach is more likely. An incision allows our surgeons to alter and shape the height of your eyelids and create a crease that looks natural. This process may include trimming muscle and fat in order to create the look you desire. You will likely receive local anesthesia for this procedure. The overall goal of double eyelid surgery is to create or reshape an upper eyelid crease that gives the eyes a rounder appearance.
Lower Eyelid Surgery
For Asian lower eyelid surgery, an incision is typically made along the bottom of the lash line. This will allow the Sage Plastic Surgery team to remove excess fat and tissue and create a refreshed appearance. For patients with dark circles underneath the eyes, injectables can be used to help fill in any sunken features. The type of sedation you receive for lower eyelid surgery will likely be local anesthesia.
For A Beautiful, Refreshed Look
If you're looking for a way to enhance the shape and appearance of your eyes while staying true to your heritage, then Asian eyelid surgery could be the perfect procedure for you. Our experienced team at Sage Plastic Surgery can deliver natural-looking results that are tailored to your specific needs. Set up a consultation with our Dallas, TX facility today to learn more.
*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.